Friday, July 26, 2013

Good Eats & Even Better Company

P1100224 Even though my body was super tired, I woke up at 6:30 am, b/c my body is used to waking up at 7:30 am Texas time.  I got up and got dressed and went in Rick & Jill’s to have some breakfast and get some milk since Rufio didn’t have any from being gone for 2 weeks.  Rufio & I had breakfast and then both got cleaned up so we could go to a funeral.  Jeri & Jill were going to go & take Rufio since it was their cousin who died, but Jill has strep throat & is contagious until Monday & Jeri had a rip-roaring migraine.

Last night when we were driving home Rufio pointed out an old brown building down on Sandhill Road where she said that she & Grandpa Jay had worked bagging potato chips.  This morning she showed me this pay stub from June 12th, 1947!!!  How COOL is this, that she’s kept it all these years???  My initial thought when seeing this was, “it’s in pristine condition…I wonder if she’s had it in a Project Life page protector?”  LOL!!!  I am SO GLAD that I come from a long line of memory keepers who cherish stuff like this.  It’s so crazy to think that they only made 80 cents an hour!!!

IMG_1149 Here is the program from the funeral.  My connection w/ him is that his mother, Velma, is my Grandpa Jay’s older sister.  So that makes him my 1st cousin, 1 removed (I think).  I don’t think I’d ever met him before (as far as I know), but I’m glad I was there w/ Rufio.  It was a very lovely service.

P1100225 After the service, Rufio wanted me to take her down to the cemetery so she could see if he was going to be buried near his parents or somewhere else.  We couldn’t find where they were doing his graveside service, so we went and saw Rufio’s parent’s headstone.  We didn’t stay for long b/c there were 3 funerals in that area and the traffic was getting congested.

IMG_1150I picked to go to Rumbi Grill for lunch, b/c I love that place and we don’t have any in Texas.  We shared the chicken teriyaki bowl & a big order of sweet potato fries.  They were really good & I love that they came w/ “pink sauce.”  Such a Utah thing.  After we ate, we went back to Rufio’s and ended up both taking naps b/c we were so tired from the day before.

IMG_1154 At 4:00, I met up w/ Monique & her husband Miguel at our usual place, Bamboo Hut.  I guess I was trying to squeeze as my Poly food into one day as I could.  LOL!

IMG_1155 And no meal at the Bamboo Hut is complete w/ out some guava cake.  This stuff is sinfully delicious.  Miguel, who has never had it before, even said how good it was and that they should get some to take home and eat tomorrow.

IMG_1156 While we were sitting there talking, I looked out the window and noticed Merrill J. Bateman getting out of his car!!! I recognized him b/c he was the President of BYU when I was going to school there.  He went next door to Jimmy Johns to get a sandwich, so when he came back out I had my phone ready & snuck a picture.  I was too chicken to go outside & try to get a picture w/ him.

P1100228 It was SO GOOD to see Monique & Miguel and talk and catch up on each other’s lives.  It’s great to get together w/ people that you’ve been friends w/ for years.  I’m so happy for them and they make such a cute newlywed couple.

IMG_1157 I wanted to take a walk down memory lane, so I drove up to BYU and walked around Helaman Halls a little bit.  It was fun to see Stover Hall & remember my “Stover Sistas” from when I lived here as a Freshman & then for 2 more years as a Resident Assistant.  Great memories, especially since this is where I met & became best friends w/ Tara.

IMG_1160 I walked up to the Canon Center and was shocked when I walked inside, b/c it looks NOTHING like it did when I went to school there from 1997 – 2001.  It has been completely redone inside and out.  I had to get a pic of this poster on the door as I walked out.  Gotta love BYU’s honor code.

IMG_1175 I really wanted some “squeaky cheese” so I drove over to the Creamery on 9th St and got some.  So good!

P1100230 It was fun to be back on BYU campus and remember my time there.  I’m so thankful that I got the chance to attend BYU & graduate from here.  “Enter to learn, go forth to serve.”

IMG_1167 I called Rufio & told her I was coming back to get her so we could go grocery shopping.  I had to get a delicious BYU mint brownie when I was at The Creamery, so I could share it w/ Rufio.  She had her list of things she needed and we went down the hill to WalMart.

IMG_1168 This made me smile and laugh when this was what I saw as I walked into WalMart.  Only in Provo, UT!  I really wanted a decal sticker to put on the rear window of my Escape, but they didn’t have any (what???), so I settled on a magnet instead.  Gotta represent that Cougar Pride.

IMG_1169 I told Rufio we had to get a picture of her w/ this brand of bread she likes.  Not only is it called “Granny’s delight”, but the hot pink on the bag matches her hot pink lipstick.  She looks so beautiful in this picture.  She’s such a classy lady and I’m so thankful that we share such a special bond.  I  love her so much!

IMG_1173We got home and were both tuckered out, but didn’t dare take a nap b/c then we’d never go to sleep tonight.  So we watched 2 episodes of “My Three Sons” (such a great show w/ good values) and then Perry Mason.  I like how she keeps her 3 little Christmas trees up all year b/c she likes the soft lighting.  I came in and chatted w/ Rick & Jill & Cade for a little bit and have been blogging for the past hour.  I’m super tired and have a big day ahead of me tomorrow.  I’m excited to get home and see my Autumn Bottom & Mom & Dad & Nick.

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