Sunday, July 28, 2013

Serendipitous Lunch

P1100231 This morning I got up, got cleaned up, and then Rufio & I went to church together.  It was nice sitting next to her during church and holding her hand.  After sacrament I decided to leave so I could pack and get ready to go.  She stayed for the rest of the meetings, so we had to get one last picture, even if it was in the bathroom.  She’s so pretty and I love her so much!

P1100232 I got all packed up and said good bye to Rick & Jill.  I had to stop and get a picture of the building on Sandhill Road where Rufio & Grandpa Jay bagged potato chips for 80 cents an hour.

P1100233 I drove up to drop off a fun puzzle to Aunt Jeri & say hi to Josh & Jennifer.  This plant in their front yard is so beautiful.  This flower was HUGE & I was tempted to pick one and wear it in my hair, but I didn’t.  I only stayed for an hour, b/c I had to drive to SLC.

P1100235 I was meeting up w/ my friend Brooke who lives in SLC, and I didn’t know what restaurants would be open on a Sunday, so I told her to pick a place.  She texted me the address and when I pulled into the parking lot I couldn’t believe where I was.  It was the restaurant where Jason’s sister-in-law used to work.  We would eat there a lot b/c the food is so good & she’d hook us up w/ discounts.  I walked in and was SHOCKED to see her there, especially since it’s been 6 years since I had been there.  It was so fun to reconnect w/ her and see pictures of her & Steven’s little 3 year old son.  I was so glad that she was willing to take a picture w/ me so I can show Autumn one of her aunts on her Dad’s side.

P1100236 Brooke got there and we had such a great time visiting for a few hours.  The lunch got even more serendipitous b/c of our waiter’s name.  I just busted up laughing when it got even crazier…my cousin Josh came walking in w/ one of his friends!  Talk about such a small world!  You can never have enough friends, and Brooke is definitely a good friend.

P1100240 We finally said our good byes and I realized I was only a few blocks away from the “castle house” that we used to live in when I was a little girl.  So, I drove there and had to walk around it & get some pictures.  It is sad to see it falling apart & see how the trees & bushes are so overgrown.  But, it brought back so many good memories and I’m glad it’s still there.

P1100244I stopped & got gas so I could take the car back on a full tank.  Otherwise they charge you $9 a gallon!  It only took 2.67 gallons of gas to get it back to full after driving it all around for 2 days.  Yeah for eco-friendly cars!  When I was at a red light waiting to get on the freeway, I saw this lady get out of her car and take a bag of food over to this homeless guy on the freeway.  I thought that was so cool of her to do!

I got the rental car turned in, got checked in, got through security, got to the gate, and got on the plane.  There was a lot of turbulence b/c there were a few storms we had to pass by, so I was glad when we landed.  Mom & Dad & Autumn picked me up, we went and got my car from my work, and then Autumn & I came straight home.  She’s going to be a grouchy girl b/c she didn’t get to bed until 10:30!  I’m so glad that I had a wonderful weekend, but I’m also glad to be home safe and sound in my own bed.

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