Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rain, Bug, Cheddars & Ice Cream

IMG_1114 Today on the way home from work, the sky suddenly got really dark and it started pouring big fat Texas rain drops.  I LOVE rain storms.  They sky looked weird b/c there were 2 different columns of rain, and I’m glad they didn’t turn into tornadoes.  I stopped at Costco to get some gas, and there were a lot of people in line.  The attendant was trying to direct cars which line to get in to make things run smoothly.  When my turn came, he did a few Michael Jackson dance move and pointed which way I should go.  It caught me completely off guard & completely made my day!  I was laughing so hard & when I got out I told him thanks so much for making a tense situation fun.

P1100150 Autumn & I went to Mom & Dad’s so I could get a small suitcase to pack for Utah.  We went to walk in the door & Autumn started screaming bloody murder.  I asked her what in the heck was wrong, and she just started backing away from the door & pointing.  I looked & saw this HUGE stick bug on the window.  She refused to go near it, so I had to go around to the pool door to let her in.

P1100154 We left and went to meet Liz & Liberty & Jacob for dinner at Cheddars.  We haven’t seen each other in a long time (except for in the hall at church), so we decided it was definitely time to get together and visit.  I always love spending time w/ them b/c it’s always fun & comfortable.

IMG_1115After we finished eating & talking, Autumn & I had to run to WalMart to get a few things.  I had to take a picture of these 3 cases full of Blue Bell ice cream for a friend, who has never had Blue Bell ice cream before.  Such a tragedy.  It’s so good & I don’t know why they only sell it in the south & not all over the US.  We came home, Autumn wrote a birthday card for a birthday party she’s going to tomorrow, I got her to bed, and then packed my suitcase for Utah.

1 comment:

My Name is JACY said...

Hi Lisa!

I just found your blog and I just had to comment... I, too, was a single mom to a darling little dude. I just remarried a few months ago, but I still have a special place in my heart for moms who "get it".

I think you are beautiful and your daughter is adorable!

I'm so eager to follow along and read more about you... I love finding friends who have experienced something similar- it seems like we can grow and learn and help one another so much!

Much love,
