Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cadillac Or Corvette???

P1100398My mechanic called yesterday and said that when they looked at the car, it could be a few different things.  Since one of the replacement parts would be at least $400, they didn’t want to order it and replace that part and then have that not be the issue.  So, they recommended that I take it to the dealership to have it fixed.  I didn’t dare drive it up there since the dealership is right off the highway & my car keeps dying.  So, it cost $75 to have it towed up there.  Mom & Dad are going down to Austin for the weekend to visit Lexie & Jon & the boys, and Mom said she didn’t want to drive that far in the Corvette or truck.  So, they took the Cadillac and I can’t drive stick shift, so that left me the Corvette to drive.  Such a hardship on me, I know…twist my arm that I *have* to drive the Corvette.  I realize how spoiled rotten I am that my “rental” cars were a Cadillac & Corvette!

P1100405 When I got Autumn from daycare tonight, we went to the store for a few groceries and then rushed home so my visiting teachers could come at 6:15.  They stayed for about 30 minutes, which is the perfect amount of time.  I like short & sweet visits.  Then Autumn & I had dinner and I also made some pasta salad & brownies, which we took over to a lady in the ward.  She is going to take them to woman’s shelter tomorrow for their dinner.

I got Autumn to bed when we got home and then spent the rest of the evening watching Project Runway.  It felt good to do service for others.

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