Monday, August 5, 2013

Crafty Kitchen Table Connections

IMG_1186Autumn wanted to come home from Papa & Mimi’s early tonight so she could color and do some artwork stuff before bed.  I worked on editing pics and blogging while Autumn colored.  It was nice to have some quiet time together, b/c usually we come home and she goes straight to bed.  Even though we never eat at our kitchen table, I love it that we use it to come together to be crafty and connect that way.

After she was asleep and Nick got home from work, I went over to Christine’s to watch the Bachelorette finale.  I was SO TIRED from being up late the past few nights, so I told them we weren’t going to spend hours talking and just start watching.  We had a few 21 year old guys join us (Mary’s son & some of his friends), which made it funny b/c of all the comments they made.  I’m SHOCKED that Desiree picked Chris, b/c I had read the Reality Steve spoiler at the beginning of the season where he said that she picks Brooks.  I can’t believe that Chris would be OK being w/ her after she confessed that she loved Brooks pretty on in the season to Chris Harrison.  I hope Des & Chris are happy.

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