Friday, October 25, 2013

Friends & Favorites Friday Party

IMG_1465 Poor Autumn has been coughing up a lot of phlegm again lately, so I had her do a breathing treatment before we left for school/work today.  Poor little bug!

IMG_1466I wanted yesterday to be just a small family thing, so tonight I had a friends party.  I just invited a bunch of people over and if they could come great … if not, no big deal.  I knew it was Friday night & people probably had things going on.  Mom got me some of my Favorite appetizers to go along w/ my Friday Friends party.  We had mozzarella sticks w/ dipping sauce, kolaches, spanakopita, and coconut wafer cookies.

IMG_1472 I also had some of my favorite drinks for the party.  Autumn decided that they needed to be labeled, so she made some labels.  She cracks me up!

P1110038People just came over whenever and we ate and sat and talked and just enjoyed being together.  Then it was time for Costco cake.  I always blush when I’m the center of attention while people sing happy birthday to me.

P1110040 What do you think I wished for as I blew out my candles???

P1110042 I am SO THANKFUL for the friends that were able to come, and for those who couldn’t come but wanted to.  My life is so richly blessed b/c of the friendships I have!

P1110045 After everyone left, Mom texted me around 9:30 to see if they could come over and say hi.  They had taken Curt & Mary to the local high school football game and we were winning by a lot, and it had gotten really cold so they wanted to leave early.  They came over to have some food and say hi.  That was fun to have them stop in … Curt looks thrilled, huh?  LOL!  He never smiles for pictures.

IMG_1470 When I had sent the email invite for my party, I had put that presents were definitely not necessary.  But, Sis. Lee brought me this Willow Tree figurine called Simple Joys.  The note that went along w/ it was so touching and kind.  She is such an amazing woman and I am SO GLAD I get to serve w/ her in Young Women’s.

IMG_1473Deb has been telling me about these “Proper Romance” novels and how fabulous they are.  I haven’t had a chance to read them yet, and she gave this one to me for my birthday.  After Mom & Dad & Curt & Mary left, I snuggled up on the couch and started reading it.  It is SO GOOD and ROMANTIC, and I’m so glad that it’s a clean romance & I don’t have to worry about anything inappropriate.  I read until 1:30 am and only had 100 pages left, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.

Today was such a wonderful day!!!

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