Saturday, October 26, 2013

Service, Football, & 2 Halloween Parties

P1110046 We had a FULL day today, and we started it off w/ doing some service.  The past few years, our stake has done a day of service in October.  I was supposed to be in charge of having 20 people come to a resale shop for a battered women’s shelter.  However, they let me know a few weeks ago that they had accidentally double booked it and didn’t need us.  So, Autumn and I went to the church and helped decorate brown paper bags for the Salvation Army to use when they hand out lunches.  As you can see, there was a good turn out and every table was full.

P1110048 We were at a super fun (and crazy) table w/ a bunch of the Young Men & Women.  Autumn had a good time getting to use her creative/artistic talents.

P1110050We left and went to Mom & Dad’s to eat some lunch, I straightened my hair, and Autumn got ready for her last cheer game of the season.  I love this cute sign the girls were holding for the football team to run through.

P1110059 Since this was our last game, the girls gave the coaches some super cute cookies decorated to look like a megaphone & a cheerleader.  They have been FABULOUS coaches!  Luckily we still have practices for cheer competition next month, so this isn’t a final goodbye.

P1110083 The cheerleaders gave all of the football players a little treat at the end of the game to thank them for a great season.  Plus, they actually won this final game!  We were so excited and happy for them, until we found out that that means this isn’t our last game and that they will be playing in the play offs next week! NOOOOOOO!

IMG_1474 Anyways, we went back to Mom & Dad’s house to eat some dinner and then get ready for our 2 Halloween parties.  Mom is so good at doing my hair in a 1950’s style.  What would I do w/out her?

IMG_1475 I’m in the process of transforming into a Pink Lady from Grease.

P1110090 Mom did this Halloween pasta craft w/ her Scouts last week & Autumn wanted to make one, so Mom did this w/ her while I was getting ready.

IMG_0379 Here’s a close up of it glued to the paper plate.  So fun & simple, huh?

P1110091 Snow White & A Pink Lady

P1110095 We had to get a full body shot to show off Autumn’s pretty dress and shoes.

IMG_0382 We went over to the church at 5:00 where they had hot dogs, chips, and homemade root beer.  It was supposed to rain, so they had everything set up inside the church, but it was too crowded so Autumn & I went outside and sat on the grass.  Liz & Jacob & Liberty joined us when they got there.  Liz borrowed some of my Hawaiian stuff & Jacob & Lib looked so cute in their farmer & scarecrow costumes.

IMG_0390 After we ate, we went inside to play some of the fun games they had set up.  In one room there was face painting.  Autumn said she wanted a red moustache!  LOL!  This is how it looked, and I don’t think she thought it through before having it drawn on.  So, we went to the bathroom so she could wash it off.

IMG_0393 They had pumpkin bowling in one room, which was a lot of fun.

IMG_0396 In this room it the kids had to hold an eyeball on a spoon and walk from one of the room to the other w/out dropping it.  This pic makes me laugh b/c you can see Jacob’s eyeball flying through the air.  He didn’t understand the game b/c he’s only 2, and just had fun flinging the eyeball around.

They did the trunk-or-treat at 6:00 & Autumn had fun walking around and getting candy.  I kept reminding her to say thank you to everyone that gave her candy.  We are so lucky that the rain held off until after everything was over.

IMG_0404 Autumn & I went to Bobbie’s house for our 2nd party of the evening.  I work w/ Bobbie & she has a big Halloween party every year.  Autumn & I had so much fun last year, and are glad Bobbie invited us again this year.  She always puts on such an incredible spread of food.  I love her Halloween tablecloth.

IMG_0409 Autumn’s favorite game is bobbing for apples, which is especially appropriate for her Snow White character.

IMG_0414The highlight of the evening is when Bobbie makes witches brew.  I thought this was such as cool shot of the smoke coming out of the cauldron.  It cracks me up that I also captured these tween girls taking pics of it on their phones.  Ah, social media!

IMG_0411 Autumn & I went and found the kid’s craft table and she made a Halloween necklace, a scene w/ skeleton stickers, and a scratch & reveal bat ornament.

IMG_0413Bobbie & her husband always do such a great job & we had so much fun.  They were dressed up as the couple from the Munsters, and Autumn was so scared of the husband.  He had on shoes that made him super tall & green make up.  Whenever he came around, Autumn would hide behind me.  There was a HUGE rain & thunderstorm during the party, which just added to the whole spooky effect.  It was an incredibly busy & fun filled day!  We’ll both sleep really well tonight!

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