Monday, January 20, 2014

A Trip Down Memory Lane With My Autumn Girl

IMG_2258 Autumn didn’t have school today b/c it was MLK day, so she went to daycare all day.  I’m so thankful that they’re open most of the time when her school is closed.  It makes it so nice!  Anyways, tonight after we ate dinner and came home and did homework, we had a bowl of strawberry ice cream.  We were talking and Autumn started telling me about a crush she has on a boy at school.  She told me all about him, and I was so glad she would open up and tell me things like that.  I hope she always will want to talk to me & share things w/ me.  She asked me if I ever had a crush on a boy when I was her age.  I went and got my scrapbook from when I was little.  She found this binder in there & was reading what I had written back in 1st grade!  It was more than a little trippy to hear her reading things I had written when I was her age!  It makes me so glad that my parents were big into taking pics & keeping things like this, just like I’m doing for her now!

IMG_2256 Anyways, I showed her this pic (sorry it’s grainy but it’s a pic I took on my cell phone of the picture) from when I was 5 years old in preschool.  This cute Polynesian boy in my class and I went to Chuck E Cheese’s.  Look at how snazzy we were dressed!  It’s funny to see that I’ve had a thing for Polynesian boys my whole life!  It was so fun to take a trip down memory lane & connect w/ Autumn, and let her know that I was once her age and can understand what it’s like to be a kid.

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