Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cafe Rio Happiness

IMG_2342 I got up early this morning to go to the temple.  I was really hoping to see the new temple video, but they showed the “older” of the new ones.  I guess on the half hour sessions (I went to the 7:30) they must show the older one.  Oh, well … I’m sure I’ll see it eventually, and that’s definitely not the reason I go to the temple.  I stopped at the LDS Bookstore on my way home to buy the book, “What would a holy woman do?”  I for sure don’t think the book was worth the $10.50 I paid for it.  But, I’ll make the most of it by keeping it out where I can see it as a reminder.  I’ve been asking myself that question several times a day, and it’s already made a huge difference in my life.  I’m excited to see where that question leads me this year as a part of my quest to add more light to my life.

dating I saw this on Pinterest the other day & really liked it.  I keep hoping I’ll meet my future companion at the temple someday, b/c what better place to meet someone?

IMG_2344 I got home and made some omelets for breakfast.  I got the cleaning bug and spent 3 hours cleaning the house.  That included having Autumn help me clean all the bathrooms, vacuuming, doing dishes, doing laundry, and dusting.  I was so tired by the end of it (plus I had gotten up early this morning), that I plopped down on the couch and took a much needed 30 minute nap.  By this time, it was 2:30 and both Autumn & I were hungry.  We went to Taco Cabana & shared their Cabana Bowl, which was only $5.  I like to get cups of their pineapple salsa & put some on the shell after I’ve eaten the middle part.  It’s kind of like dessert.  After we ate, Autumn wanted to stay there, so I made up a fun game of making shadow puppets in the sun that was streaming through the windows.  This is her shadow of an elephant.

IMG_2346 She wanted me to get a picture of her missing lateral teeth (the ones on top next to her big front teeth).  She lost one on Thursday & one on Friday!  We finally left Taco Cabana and walked over to the $1 Jewelry Store to see if they had anything we couldn’t live without.  We were SO SAD to find that they had closed this location & moved to a town about 15 minutes away.  Oh, well … I guess that will be good for the wallet.

We went home, but wanted to be outside b/c we had been inside so much today.  We put on our coats (it was chilly today) and walked down to the little playground in our neighborhood.  We had fun chasing each other around and playing and swinging.  We finally had to come home once the sun started to go down.  I’m SOOOOOO looking forward to Spring so we can be outside more.

IMG_2347I was out in the garage putting away some of the recycling when I noticed this big gray Tupperware container.  I forgot that Lexie & Jon had sent it home w/ us when we were down there for Baby Adam’s blessing.  I was supposed to give it to Autumn for her birthday, but forgot.  So, I busted it out tonight and was SHOCKED to see how many fun My Little Pony toys were in there.  Lexie said she found them for a great deal at a garage sale.  Autumn had such a good time lining them up and playing w/ them.

IMG_2349We hopped in the car at 7:30 and headed to the airport to pick up Mom & Dad at 8:45.  Mom is an ANGEL & got me a sweet pork burrito w/ their famous creamy tomatillo dressing.  She actually had 2 containers of the dressing, but one spilled.  It made my tastebuds stand up & applaud.  That is TRUE LOVE for her to buy it at the airport terminal & hand carry it on the plane just for me.  We got home late (9:30) and I put Autumn right to bed.  I hope she won’t be a stinker tomorrow and will sleep in! 

photo 1 Mom & Dad are in so much trouble, b/c they only took like 3 or 4 pictures their whole trip.  It would have been more like 300 to 400 if I had gone w/ them.  But, the Cafe Rio kind of made up for it, and we’re so glad they made it home safe and sound.

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