Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lots Of Spiritual Highs

IMG_1327 Church today was excellent.  Sunday school was all about Noah, and what a great prophet he was.  It took him 120 years to build the ark!!! One of the points that Bro. Lee brought us is how we need to make our homes like the ark, or place of safety.  He drew a cool picture w/ houses & a temple that looked like arks.  Then he asked us if our homes would “float” in a manner of speaking.  I learned a lot & it was very educational.

I got to teach in Laurel’s about “How can I find comfort when someone I care about dies?”  It wasn’t a lesson I wanted to teach, b/c it can be sad & depressing, but I kept feeling that it was what I needed to teach.  I’ve been trying hard this year to follow the promptings of the Spirit, so I forged ahead w/ that lesson.  It actually ended up being really great.  I found a list of questions w/ answers about the after life.  Each girl took a question & we just had a great discussion.  Also, the sister missionaries sat in on our lesson, which was great for the Laurel’s to hear what they had to say.  Our lesson got cut short b/c we got a new Laurel’s class presidency, so the Bishopric came in to set them apart.

IMG_1329Miss Autumn dressed herself today & she looked so preppy chic w/ her cute dress & jacket.  Like the guy on Humans Of New York says, “today in microfashion …”

IMG_2350 After church we came home & changed and then went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Autumn watched some cartoons & I blogged while we waited for them to get home from church.  We had our usual roast, carrots, potatoes & gravy for dinner.  Mom got out the presents they brought back from Utah.  Aunt Jeri made this cute pink pom pom scarf for Autumn.  She even put a pocket on one end of it for Autumn to keep her hands warm.  Grandpa Johnson let Mom take some of the aprons that Grandma had made.  There were some REAL treasures in there, especially since I love aprons.  I’m so thankful that I have talented people on either side of my family … too bad I didn’t get any of that artsy talent!

IMG_2352 We watched some Olympics and just enjoyed spending a relaxing Sunday afternoon together.  Autumn went and snuggled up on the couch w/ Mimi & they were talking about grandparents & great grandparents.  I went & got this genealogy chart off the wall in the back room so Mom could show Autumn how different people were related to her.  She even quizzed Dad on who his great grandparents were & he did pretty good on their names.  I just love this picture of the multi-generational connections of love.

IMG_2353I had to leave to go to the Single Adult fireside.  We had Elder Larry W. Gibbons (an emeritus member of the 2nd Quorum of the 70) come and talk to us.  He talked about “Forging Through Adversity” and he did a great job.  We had a huge turn out of about 65 people, which is about double what we usually have.  Pete put together his usual strawberry shortcake, which he does for the February fireside.  It was really good, and everyone really seemed to enjoy being able to sit & eat & visit after the fireside.  We got out of there around 9:00 after getting everything cleaned up.  It was a long day, but full of great spiritual moments.

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