Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Great Young Women’s Combined Activity

P1110527 We had a combined Young Women’s tonight and Sis. Lee & I were in charge.  I started off the activity by sharing this quote from Glennon Melton about sacred scared, “Our sacred scared is our deepest fear- the one we hide because we think that if anyone knew about it they wouldn’t love us anymore. What we find when we share our sacred scared is that it’s the very thing we should be sharing more. Because our sacred scared is the key that unlocks our humanity. When we share it, people love us more because we’ve given them permission to love themselves more. Sharing our sacred scared is like handing a world full of messy, waiting people an invitation to show up as they are.”

We had everyone get in a big circle and they each wrote down an insecurity or their sacred scared.  Then we put all those papers into a bowl, mixed them up, had each girl randomly pick one, and then they read it to the group.  By doing it that way, we were hoping that the girls would be honest and deep since it was anonymous.  Some were silly and just put that they didn’t like their hair, but others were insightful.  It helped the girls to see that EVERYONE has insecurities and things they struggle with.  I saw a lot of the Young Women nodding their heads when the insecurities were read, b/c it was something they struggled w/ too.

Then we went around the circle and had each girl in the circle say something nice about the person in the “hot seat.”  Then we moved someone else into the hot seat and everyone said something nice about them.  We typed it up and are going to give it to them on Sunday.

Then we had them gather around the TV and we watched a slideshow that Sis. Lee had put together.

P1110531 After that, she had each of the girls come up and in Bachelor style she asked them, “will you accept yourself and that you are a daughter of Heavenly Father?”  She waited until they looked her in the eyes and said yes, and then she gave them a chocolate rose.

P1110534It was a good activity and I hope the girls remember how much they are loved.  I also hope they feel more bonded with each other.

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