Friday, March 21, 2014

A Rough Day At Work & The Tale Of The “Holy” Knees

 IMG_2674-001 I had a wretched day at work today.  I DEPLORE having sales ppwk just sit on my desk for more than a few days.  I’ve had about 6 files sitting on my desk for the past TWO WEEKS, b/c I can’t get answers from the sales rep that I need in order to process the orders.  I have emailed him & his manager & the owner for 2 weeks & still couldn’t get any answers.  So, today I finally called the manager & let him know that this was unacceptable & that he’s going to have really angry customers wanting to know when their bathroom will be installed & he’s going to have to tell them the products haven’t even been ordered yet. 

Then on top of that, there are 4 other orders where the notes aren’t clear & I’m having to guess what needs to ordered.  I kindly but firmly told the manager that I need notes stating clearly what needs to ordered if it’s outside of the normal parameters of what we get.  His response was, “that’s not a problem.  I just needed to know you wanted that info.”  REALLY!?!?!?  No, I LOVE being kept in the dark & not having the info I need.  I shouldn’t have to ask for common sense notes on what to order.  UGH!!!  Anyways, Rachael was there on speaker phone w/ him and she sent me this email.  I seriously almost started crying, b/c it was exactly what I needed to hear.

I’m really good at my job & I catch A LOT of mistakes that could be big disasters if I didn’t order the right products.  So it was nice to be acknowledged and appreciated.  I’m hoping that this certain sales rep & manager can get their acts together.

IMG_2675 Anyways, Dad called around 2:00 & said he was picking Autumn up from daycare & they were going to go do something fun (it is Spring Break after all).  He texted me these pics.  They went to Cabela’s to have lunch & look at the fun fish tank.

IMG_2678 He took this picture mostly for Mimi to text her and show her that her favorite pink Magnolia tree is blossoming.  You can’t tell in this pic, but Autumn looks ADORABLE in this purple hat that Papa got her at Cabelas.

IMG_2681 We had dinner & watched some TV.  Then Autumn wanted to wrestle so we started rough housing.  She had a big old hole in the knee of her pants & I pulled on it to make it bigger just b/c we were going to throw them away.  Autumn FREAKED OUT!!!  I guess she had planned on keeping them, so I told her we could just cut the bottom part off & Mimi could hem them so she could wear them as long shorts.  She went into FULL meltdown mode & you would have thought I was trying to cut off her actual leg instead of just the leg of her pants.  I packed her up & we left right away, and usually I would have taken her home & put her right to bed.  But, I felt like we needed to have a chat about what happened, so we drove to the top of a parking garage so we could see the spectacular sunset.  I parked the car & went & sat in the back seat w/ her and we both had a good cry, we talked about what happened, and we bonded.  We came to a compromise that she can’t wear the pants, but we will save them and put them in a special box w/ some of her special t-shirts so that we can include them as part of a quilt someday.  When we got home I told her we should take a picture to document the whole thing & she said she would try and look sad since that was how she felt when it happened. 

P1110578I’m so thankful that I listened to the prompting to take a different route & talk to her & let her express how she was feeling instead of just making her go to bed like I would usually do.  I feel like we made a huge step forward in our relationship.

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