Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome Spring!!!

P1110573 Tonight we did a “clean out the fridge” dinner & had “gourmet” grilled cheese, a salad to use up veggies, & some left over cabbage.  Papa & Autumn read “The Friend” magazine while I did up the dishes.  Then Autumn went outside to “help” Papa spray some weed killer around the garden.

P1110574 She wanted to water the seeds & plants, but Papa had done that a few hours before.  So, we just wanted him spread the weed killer around.  I’m so glad that he has a green thumb and plants a garden every year.  I just wish that the Texas soil was better so we could grow more things.

P1110575 Our neighbor’s “popcorn tree” has bloomed & we’re THRILLED that today is the first day of Spring.

IMG_2672We stopped to put gas in the car on the way home ($3.16/gallon) and then came home so we could have a “frozen night” by watching the movie & eating some frozen ice cream.  It’s such a good movie & was worth paying $19.95 for the BluRay & DVD & digital vs. $14.95 for just the DVD.  We’ll keep the DVD at our house since we don’t have a BluRay player & give the BluRay disc to Papa & Mimi to have at their house.  After I got Autumn to bed, I was so happy that it was Thursday night so I could watch Parenthood.  I am such a big fan of that show b/c they show real life situations that normal people have to deal with (divorce, growing older, special needs kids, etc).

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