Sunday, March 2, 2014

Icy Sunday

IMG_2482This morning was so much better than the World War III that we had last Sunday.  Autumn even wanted me to curl her hair w/ the flat iron!  She was a little silly towards the end of sacrament meeting, but nothing too out of control.  Young Women’s today was really good and we talked about The Atonement.

IMG_2483 After church Autumn & I rushed home to change clothes and we also packed a bag of clothes in case we have to spend the night at Mom & Dad’s.  We haven’t done a silly picture in a while, so we had to get one.


When we came out of church, this is what my windshield looked like.  This is NOT rain, this is frozen ICE!!!  Luckily the roads were just wet and not frozen yet.  It's hard to believe that exactly 12 hours ago Autumn and I were getting sunburned on our picnic in 79 degree weather. Now it's 25 degrees!!!

We came home, packed a bag of clothes in case we got stranded overnight at Mom & Dad’s.   Mom & I baked potatoes for Nick’s after church fireside, but they weren’t quite done in time so we threw them in the microwave for a few minutes.  Mom & Dad took them over to the church, and ended up staying and eating w/ Nick and the young single adults.  Then Dad drove home in the truck & Mom drove Nick & his car home b/c the roads were scary.

While they were gone, I made a pan of Aunt Jeri’s brownies and threw in some toasted coconut we had that needed to be used.  They were divine!  We basically spent all day after church watching Disney movies.  They had them showing on ABC Family, so we watched Peter Pan, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, and Mulan.  Then when everyone got home and was hunkered down for the night we put on Count of Monte Cristo, which is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time.

I didn’t realize it was already 9:00, so I went to just lay down w/ Autumn until she fell asleep, but I ended up falling asleep too b/c I was so tired!

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