Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sunrise, Winter Olympics, Braveheart

P1110544 This was the breathtaking sunrise this morning on the way to dropping Autumn off at school!!!

IMG_2554 Tonight for Young Women’s activity the Young Men were in charge and we met at the local skate park for some “Winter Olympic Games.”  They had everyone split up into 2 groups and our group got to do “curling” first.  They had these poles frozen into a big ice brick and whichever team made it closest to the blue dot won.  We played 2 rounds, and our team won both rounds.

IMG_2556 Then we switched to the other side and played broom hockey.  I had to take Autumn w/ me, and she wanted to go play so badly, but they were really rough and broke most of the brooms!!!  We just observed.  Then for treats they had water & doughnuts.  It was actually really well planned (for the Young Men being in charge).  I was impressed.

IMG_2561 As soon as we got home I put Autumn to bed b/c it was past her bedtime.  Since it was kind of cold tonight, I made myself a big cup of hot chocolate & watched Braveheart (it was on TV).

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