I am so thankful that Nick stays home w/ Autumn on Saturday mornings so that I can start my Saturdays by going to the temple. There’s just so much peace to be had here. Plus, Nick lets me
pay thank him w/ a few $1 breakfast items from McDonald’s.
When I got home, we got busy cleaning the house. We vacuumed, swept, cleaned the bathrooms & mopped. I even got really gung ho & vacuumed out the vacuum. The filters and inside of the vacuum were FILTHY! YUCK! It’s amazing how much better it works now that I’ve cleaned it out. After that, Autumn & I sat at the kitchen table & did some pipe cleaner crafts. Dad came over to visit and we had lunch. He had been over at the Events Center watching a collegiate wrestling tournament. He even saw a few wrestlers from BYU! Autumn’s showing off the cool flower pipe cleaner ring that Papa made her.
At 4:00, Autumn & I went over to the church for Maureen’s wedding. She is remarrying her ex-husband and Autumn & I are so happy for her & Ethan & Jacob (their little boy). Maureen & I got to be close from both being single adults & we also used to be visiting teaching partners for a long time. We just love her Mom, Erlinda, to pieces as well!
The wedding was very nice & then after that they had a great reception w/ catered food from our favorite local Italian restaurant. It was a lot of fun. Sadly, Autumn & I had to leave before the dancing started.
Dad came and picked us up around 6:30 and there was a TORRENTIAL downpour, which I love. You can’t tell in this picture, but the rain was coming down in sheets horizontally. We for sure need the rain & I hope we have lots more Spring showers like this in our future.
We only had to pay for parking ($10) b/c the tickets to the basketball game were free through Autumn’s school. We were able to sit pretty close to the floor & were on one end that had a bunch of fun kid activities. The Dakins were there as well, so it was fun to be by them.
The kids couldn’t have cared less about the basketball game, so we took them to the other end of the arena where they had FREE games & rides for the kids. They had mechanical bull riding (you can see the little girl in the blue shirt in the background on it), but Autumn was too scared & wouldn’t try it. This was a fun one where you just pulled on the yellow lever & it made you spin around.
We had to wait in line for about 30 minutes for this one, but it was worth it b/c the kids had a blast. Plus, the guy working the ride was cute so that was some nice eye candy for me. Tee hee hee. I still can’t believe all of these fun things were free.
We just love the Dakins & are so thankful for their friendship. Deb is such a good example to me of inviting people to do things & having fun.
We didn’t stay until the end of the basketball game, b/c the kids were done and it was already 9:00 so we just came home. I’m glad Dad was able to come & go with us.
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