Monday, June 23, 2014

Happy 31st Birthday, Lasses!!!

IMG_0893 The Young Women’s group down in Lexie’s ward mailed these hearts to sneakily put these hearts on Lexie’s door!  I’m super impressed by their planning ahead & thoughtfulness.

IMG_3940It was a hot and balmy 88 degrees today, but Lexie wanted Mom’s chicken & barley soup for her birthday dinner, so that’s what she got.  It’s super delicious, and Mom and I put the fan on us while we ate it so we didn’t break out into a sweat.

DSCN0783 Jackson is a very picky eater.  Lexie told him he had to eat some soup if he wanted dinner.  This was his facial expression after she made him eat a carrot!  We were laughing SO HARD!

IMG_0895 After dinner, we all had to get our tickets to the kid’s talent “show” that they handed out to us yesterday.

IMG_0902 Here’s the excited audience.  We were waiting w/ baited breath for the show to start.

IMG_0897 Andrew introduced the show by explaining what would happen.  Here are the other 2 just waiting their turns to show their talents.

IMG_0910 Each of them showed us a Lego thing they had made.  Then Andrew showed us how “awesomely” he can shoot rubber arrows w/ “Eye Of The Tiger” playing in the background.  It was hard to keep a straight face, so we just applauded loudly.  Then Jackson needed help w/ his Lego creation while Andrew showed us some sweet dance moves.

IMG_0912 I know this picture is blurry, but it’s Autumn doing her talent of singing and dancing.  Again, we just applauded a lot.

IMG_0915 Here they are taking a bow.  It was a cute talent show and one that we’ll for sure use for blackmail when they’re teenagers.

P1110880For Lexie’s birthday dessert she asked for sheet cake eclairs.  I love this picture of her w/ her 3 boys, and how Andrew is unknowingly “helping” her blow out the candle.  I’m so thankful that we’re not just sisters, but also friends.  I gave her an Anne of Green Gables DVD for her birthday, b/c she loves it and didn’t have it.


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