Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rain, Italian Food & Cheer

IMG_4189 Today was NOT a typical weather day for Texas in the middle of July.  It rained pretty much ALL DAY.  At 11:30 am the temperature was only 66 degrees!!!  I’m so thankful that I had bought this big nice umbrella at Hobby Lobby for just $6.50, b/c I for sure was able to use it today.  My shoes, feet, and skirt got soaked just walking the few feet from my car into work, b/c it was raining so hard.  We spent most of the day in training for our new phone system.  I got an extra 1 1/2 hours of training, b/c I’ll be in charge of the online dashboard.  My brain was spinning by the end of the training.  I probably only retained about 1/10th of what was explained to me, but that’s b/c I learn by doing … not just by watching.  So, I’m sure there will be a few mess ups once our new phone system goes live on Monday, but I’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly.

P1110945Since the weather was so rainy, the girls had cheerleading practice in the coach’s garage.  Mom picked Autumn up for me since she was right by Autumn’s daycare, and I met her at the coach’s house.  I was going to stay and watch, but Mom said we should go to dinner together, so we did.  We went to Napoli’s to get our favorite chicken scarparella.  The sauce is so divine!  It was fun to just sit and visit with Mom without any distractions.  After we ate, I went and filled my car up with gas ($3.28 a gallon at Kroger) and then went to pick up Autumn at 7:30.  I was a few minutes early, so I watched them for a little bit.  Of course Autumn is on the back row … #tallgirlproblems. LOL!

We came home and she showered super quick b/c she wanted me to put curlers in her hair.  I got her to bed, edited pics, did some blogging, and then ended up falling asleep on the couch b/c I was so tired!  I’m so glad that tomorrow is Friday!!!

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