Thursday, September 11, 2014

BYU Football Game 9/11 Remembrance

IMG_4659 Tonight after work was super crazy, instead of just regular crazy.  I forgot to bring food for Autumn to eat on the way to cheer, so she had some peanut butter M&M’s for her snack since that was all I had in my purse.  Hey, that counts as protein, right???  Anyways, I dropped her off at cheer and went over to her school for 2nd grade curriculum night.  Then I went over to Liz’s house for dinner, b/c she called and said she had made too much food.  Liberty’s Mom has such a green thumb and had these beautiful hanging plants by the front door.  After eating and talking with them for a while, I went and got Autumn from practice at 8:00.

09.11 BYUWe came home, she showered, I got her to bed, and then watched the  BYU vs. Houston game.  Since today is the 13th anniversary of 9/11, the East side of the stadium did this between the 1st and 2nd quarter.  I thought it was very touching, especially since you can see the flag at half mast off to the right hand side of the picture.  Also, both teams wore special helmets w/ the US Flag on them.  It was a great football game and I’m glad the Cougars won!  But even more importantly, I’m glad they took a moment of silence to honor those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.

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