Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Young Women In Excellence 2014

P1120194 Tonight we had our Young Women In Excellence (YWIE) activity.  I just love this group of girls so much already!  This is what YWIE is:

“Young Women in Excellence is an event in which young women are recognized for the good things they are doing. It is a celebration of Personal Progress. Each young woman shares a value experience or value project she has completed during the year that exhibits excellence. Her presentation may include talents and skills she has developed through her Personal Progress goals. Young Women leaders invite parents to attend.” ~Church Handbook 2

P1120198Sis. Lee met w/ all the class presidents a few weeks before she was released and I was called.  The Presidents decided how they wanted the evening to go.  The theme for the evening was “I am . . .”  Each girl picked a word they have excelled at this year.  For example, one girl picked “I am an indexer,” b/c this year she helped index 1,784 names!!!  One girl picked “I am an organizer,” and brought pictures of things she has organized this year.  I liked this theme, b/c it left it really open for them to do anything.  We had one girl from each of the 3 classes come up and share what they worked on this year.  Then after the program, the parents and leaders and girls were able to walk around and see what everyone had brought to display.

IMG_4590 Towards the end of the program, I got up and spoke for about 5 minutes.  Since we’re a newly called YWPresidency, I wanted to share some thoughts with the girls and their families.  I talked about how as a presidency we want to get back to the basics of the Gospel, and the 2 great commandments are “to love the Lord thy God & to love thy neighbor.” ~ Matthew 22:37-40.  As a presidency, we want the YW to know that they are LOVED by so many people.  We want them to LOVE each other.  We want them to LOVE and know their Heavenly Father & the Savior.  So, our theme for our presidency is LOVE. 

One night last week I was laying in bed and could NOT go to sleep.  So, I got up and got a pen and paper and just started writing.  The idea came to me to tell the story of when Grandpa Jay appeared to Rufio a few years after he had died.  All he said to her was, “All that matter is love.”  So, I emailed a lady in OK that has done vinyl for me in the past, and she was able to put together and send me 30 of these vinyl quotes.  Mom & I spent Monday night putting all 30 of them onto 6x6” tiles.  So, I shared the story at YWIE and at the end of the night I gave each girl a tile w/ this quote on it.

P1120195 For refreshments we had ice cream sundaes w/ all sorts of yummy toppings.  I had planned on about 80 people, but we only had 40 people there!  So, we had a lot of left overs.

P1120202 Usually then Young Men are there to help put away chairs, tables, etc, b/c they want to use the gym to play basketball.  But, they had gotten free tickets to see one of the new football movies that just came out so they were all offsite.  It was SO MUCH WORK to clean it all up, even w/ a lot of the girls and parents that stayed and helped.  I am beyond thankful for Sis. VB & Sis. C that helped pull off this wonderful evening.  I truly takes a village!!!

1 comment:

Jen T said...

Wow! Looks like an awesome evening! Love your tiles! Hope your calling is going well!!!