Monday, October 6, 2014

FHE & Autumn The Cat Whisperer

IMG_4848 Tonight for Family Home Evening Autumn led the music.  I am trying to teach her about how to lead to 4/4 timing instead of just randomly moving her hand around wherever she wants.  She did really great tonight.  I gave the lesson about how to be IN the world, but not OF the world.  I used THIS object lesson with oil, water, and red food coloring.  Then we read 1 John 4:1-11 and had a discussion about it as we went.

IMG_4854We’ve seen this cat walking around our yard on random nights over the past few weeks.  I know it’s tame b/c it has a collar w/ tags.  Autumn wants to pet it, but for some reason is super scared.  So, she just stands and watches it.  I’ve picked it up and held it and pet it, and she hesitantly touched the fur on its back (barely).  I don’t know why she’s afraid of cats?  She likes it when it comes around, and goes out and “meows” at it.  She tells me she can talk to it.  What a cutie!

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