Monday, October 27, 2014

What I Did During Happy Hour

IMG_4972 Autumn & I were able to get out the door a little early this morning, so that meant I had time to drop my car off at the dealership to have a fuel injector recall looked at.  It’s just a few blocks from my work, so I just walked to work after dropping it off.  Later in the day they called to let me know it was ready, so one of the ladies at work dropped me off to pick it up.  They have a MASSIVE American flag in the parking lot, and I love watching it wave in the wind as I pass it every week day.

IMG_4978 I noticed it was Happy Hour at Sonic when I drove past, so I stopped in to get a drink.  I decided to try one of their new Splash sodas.  I got the Hawaiian Wave one, and I was not a fan of it at all!!!  I should have stuck to my usual cranberry slush w/ a splash of mint.  Oh, well.  We were going to carve pumpkins for FHE tonight, but decided to wait until tomorrow.  Our lesson was on how we can be filled w/ light (since that’s what we put in the pumpkins).  We talked about people in our lives who are filled with light.  I talked about Sis. Lee and how she’s such an incredible inspiration to me.

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