Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014

IMG_3178 Autumn & I got up this morning, got ready, and headed over to Mom & Dad’s around 9:00.  A bunch of us jumped in to help Mom make the stuffing and prep the fruits and veggies for these trays.  It’s a veggie turkey tray that she found on Pinterest and wanted to recreate.  At 11:00 we loaded up the cars & hit the road for Tyler’s house.

IMG_3181 Here is what the fruit turkey tray looked like.  We took the privilege of hosting Thanksgiving away from Tyler a few years ago (which is why he started his Flag Day celebrations), b/c he went way too fancy & gourmet w/ the turkey and mashed potatoes & gravy.  I’m happy to report that this year he went the traditional route and everything tasted amazing!

IMG_3189 Here’s the “grown up” kids table.
Sofia, Nick, Heather, me, Rocky, Nate, Riannon, & Olivia

IMG_3190 Here’s the “old boring adults” table.
Lexie, Jon, Mom, Tyler, Emily, Dad, Aunt Sandy, Uncle Robert

IMG_3191 Here’s the “messy” kids table.
Autumn, Peyton, Jamie, Caleb, Andrew, Shane, Brooke & Jackson

IMG_3192 After we all stuffed ourselves silly, the kids had a blast burning off all those calories by playing outside in the perfect weather, riding bikes, climbing trees, etc.  The adults cleaned up the dishes and food, watched some football, visited w/ each other, and supervised the kids.  At one point I went to check on Autumn & she was doing some art up in Brooke’s room so I laid down on the bed for a second and that tryptophan took over and I had a lovely little nap!  After a while we busted out all the pies for dessert!  We finally left during halftime of the Cowboy’s game to come home.

IMG_3195 Nick & Nate took it upon themselves to put up the Christmas tree this year.  Lexie & I were totally fine w/them taking over what is usually our job.  We hung out as a family, played games, watched football and just enjoyed being together.
 IMG_3205As you can see, even the littlest kids (Olivia & Adam) had a grand old time on Thanksgiving.  I think they’re thankful for toys and more toys and warm, fuzzy, footed pajamas.

IMG_3208Autumn really wanted to spend the night, so Papa pulled out another mattress and her and Andrew & Jackson all had a fun cousin’s sleepover in Papa & Mimi’s room.  I got to go home and sleep in my own bed all by myself, which was WONDERFUL!

I am so glad that in general most people stop the usual craziness of everyday life and take time to gather as family and friends and give thanks for blessings we’re given.  I know my list is really long this year, just like it is every year.  I really tried to soak up all the goodness of today.  Yes, it was loud, crazy, noisy & hectic but being surrounded by family, food, and fun is the recipe for a perfect Thanksgiving!

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