Our church puts on a big nativity display every year, and it’s this Friday & Saturday. Since we couldn’t have YW at the church b/c they’re setting up all the displays, we had a combined YW activity at my house. It was good, b/c it forced me to clean the house so it looked presentable for company. I’m glad my back pain has eased up a lot since Saturday. I still have to be careful & it will “zing” me every once in a while if I move wrong, but at least I feel back to 90%. I had a little photo booth type thing set up for the girls when they first came in.

Such cute Beehives!

We had a hot chocolate bar & brownies. Sis. Colman did a lesson, and it was AWESOME! We listened to a Hank Smith CD about how to leave behind the things of the world and focus on the things of the Savior. It was really good & gave us a lot to think about. We had about 15 minutes left, so we hurried and did a white elephant gift exchange. One of the girls asked on Monday if we could do it, so I sent out an email but some of the girls didn’t get it. So, I threw together some white elephant gifts for those who didn’t bring a gift. It was a lot of fun, and I’m really surprised that no one wanted to trade w/ someone else’s gift. My heart was so full & happy to have my home filled w/ these wonderful Young Women. I just love them to pieces!

This gift almost made me cry. When Laura dropped Hannah off, she presented me w/ this whisk. She had read my post yesterday on Facebook about how my whisk had broken! Not only was that super thoughtful, but she also added this festive bow and filled the whisk w/ Hershey kisses! I am SO TOUCHED by her kindness, and was able to use the whisk tonight to mix the hot chocolate! I am surrounded by incredible people.
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