Tonight for dinner Riannon & I made turkey fajitas, b/c we needed to use up some of that meat from the fried turkey that Curt & Mary brought over. It was super good and you couldn’t even tell it was turkey and not chicken. After that, Autumn & I came home earlier than usual so we could decorate the tree. Mom had gotten us a big box of colorful ornaments for just $3.00 last year! But, we didn’t have any ornament hooks to hang them on the tree so Autumn & I went back out to go to the $1 Store to get some. We came home & I put the ornaments on the hooks & handed them to her, and she put them on the tree. She wanted to wear her Belle apron while she did it, which cracked me up. She also discovered the joy of putting your thumbs over the lights on the tree & it makes your thumbs look red. What a kid!

Our tree looks a little pathetic b/c I didn’t even fluff the branches at all. I just left it like it was straight out of the box. I didn’t even rearrange how Autumn put the ornaments on. It feels good to let go of a little bit of my OCD, b/c it really doesn’t matter in the end. Autumn had a good time, the tree is up, and I’m calling that a win in my book!

After I got her to bed, I made 2 batches of brownies for the combined YW activity at my house tomorrow. This is the 2nd wire I’ve broken on my whisk while making brownies, b/c I’ve made so many batches of them lately for Young Women’s. I guess I don’t know my own strength! It’s time to break down and buy a new one. I should also start buying stock in brownie mixes, b/c I buy so many boxes of it!!! It really is a cheap, quick, easy, super good dessert.
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