Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

IMG_3887 I had a hard time falling asleep last night, b/c I was excited for Christmas morning.  It’s so silly that at 35 years old I still look forward to Christmas morning so much.  We got up at 6:40 and all met in Mom & Dad’s room for our traditional picture & then lining up to go see what Santa brought.

IMG_3894 I think Autumn was happy w/ her Lego Friends from Santa.  What do you think?  This is all he brought her this year, and I’m so glad.  I think a simple Christmas was perfect for all of us.

IMG_3899 Look at these 5 adorable grandbabies!

IMG_3903 The 4 Mamas

IMG_3905 Nick got a total haul this year!  One of the things he loved the most was the whole entire collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons.  I guess it came w/ these fun TMNT masks.

IMG_3907 Autumn had a simple Christmas from me as well.  I got her soft plush Elsa & Anna dolls, some sparkly new tennis shoes, a BYU t-shirt, new slippers, and this bag of her own chapsticks.  Whenever we go to the store she asks for chapstick, and I always tell her no b/c she has SO MANY!  Well, I decided a month ago that I was going to quietly take any chapsticks I found lying around the house and give them to her on Christmas to show her just how many she really has!

IMG_3910 I know this picture is a little bit too blown out (bright), but I love it b/c it embodies what Christmas is to me.  It’s the people I love gathered together sharing our love for each other through gifts.  It’s the fun of watching the kids’ eyes light up w/ joy.  It’s appreciating how lucky we are to be surrounding a Christmas tree in a nice warm home.  It’s knowing we have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives and that we get to celebrate His birth & life.  Mom paired WAY back this year and only got us each one present, which was perfect.

IMG_3918 After all the fun of presents, Mom & I got to work frying up the scrapple & getting breakfast ready.  I tried all day not to let myself think about how different Christmas will look next year w/ Mom & Dad gone on their mission.

DSCN2038 After breakfast was cleaned up, Autumn wanted me to help her w/ her Legos.  We also started & finished this fun puzzle while watching Christmas movies.

DSCN2069 The weather was good (mid 50’s), and the kids were getting cabin fever so we went on a walk/bike ride around the neighborhood.  There were a lot of people outside enjoying the weather.  After the walk we went to the fort to let the kids play & burn off some more energy.

DSCN2128We spent the rest of the evening playing games & I did Legos w/ Autumn.  This is the Cinderella castle that she got from Papa & Mimi.  I have to admit that doing Legos is fun & fulfilling.  Autumn spent the night at Mom & Dad’s, b/c her daycare is closed tomorrow & I have to work.  I came home and showered and enjoyed having a quiet house to myself.  It was a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

Jen T said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas! Legos are the best and I love your chap stick shot. That is a lot :) That was a cute idea! Glad you had a good Christmas with your family!