Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Broken Arm & A Huge Tender Mercy

IMG_6029 Mary came over this morning & I made us breakfast sandwiches and then we went to the temple and did a session. I haven’t seen her in a long time, so it was great to catch up w/ each other on the way down & on the way back. Plus, being in the temple is always great.

I took Autumn to my nail place to get her eyebrows waxed b/c it had been a long time & they were in desperate need of some help. Then we went next door to the kid’s consignment store to see if we could find her any leggings/pants. She’s just growing too fast! Next we went to Market Street & had our favorite penne dolcelatta for lunch.

IMG_6033 I had a coupon for a free hot chocolate & a free doughnut at Race Trac & they were expiring today so we stopped and used them. I think it’s cute that Autumn picked this heart shaped doughnut & is pointing at the camera to say, “I love you.”

IMG_6036 We came home & cleaned the house and then at 3:00 we hit the road to go to Brooke’s birthday party. It’s so nice to live close to family and that Autumn gets to know & have a relationship w/ some of her 2nd cousins (or is it 1st cousin once removed???). The party was at a roller skating rink, and Autumn has never tried roller skating before. She wanted me to get a picture of her new cool shoes that have gold spikes on them that we got at the kid’s consignment store for just $3.50!

IMG_4064 She was REALLY hesitant to go around the skating rink once she got the skates on and got out there. She pretty much hugged the hand railing for dear life as she pulled herself along. But, she eventually made it all the way around the rink. By the end of the party, she was shuffling along and even made it out to the middle of the rink by herself. It was a fun party and they had hot dogs, chips, root beer, and cupcakes. What a cute group of kids.

IMG_6045 One of the little girls came skating into our party room & said she hurt her arm & that she thought it was broken. I looked at it, and even though I’ve never seen a broken arm before, I knew right away that it was broken. There were no bones sticking through the skin, but she had a big downward dip in the middle of her arm, which was definitely NOT normal. She said she’s broken it in that same spot twice before. We called her parents & let the skating rink know. They couldn’t find a splint so they made one out of a cardboard box & wrapped it w/ an ace bandage. She was such a trooper & hardly cried at all. She was so brave! Tyler was so cute w/ her and kept asking her questions to help keep her mind off it as much as she could.

We all left at 6:00 & it was raining really hard, so we drove about 50 mph instead of 60 mph on the way home. It’s a good thing we weren’t going faster, b/c a car in front of us hit a patch of water, spun around, and went flying off the freeway to our right!!! If it had spun and gone to the left we would have been hit really hard. It happened so fast, but also seemed to happen in slow motion at the same time. My heart was beating so fast & the adrenaline was pumping big time. I hurried and pulled over to the shoulder & stopped to make sure that they were OK. Luckily they had gone off the freeway where there was a bit of a hill, instead of a bridge. They got out of the car & about 5 minutes later a tow truck showed up. Autumn & I said a prayer of gratitude that we were safe & we both cried b/c it was such a scary & emotionally charged thing! My life has been spared on MULTIPLE occasions, and this is definitely one of those times to add to the list.

IMG_4070At 8:00 we went over to Karri’s house to celebrate Melanie’s birthday. Her birthday isn’t until next week, but she will be out of town, so we celebrated tonight. She is an esthetician, so she waxed everyone’s eyebrows (except mine b/c I already had it done earlier today before I knew we were getting together). Then Karri’s girls & Autumn went upstairs to play. We played cards & talked & laughed & ate treats & had a great time catching up w/ each other. We ended up being there until midnight! I thought Autumn was upstairs asleep, but she was awake & watching a movie! Hopefully she’ll sleep in tomorrow.

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