Since Autumn turned 8, she is now old enough to start attending
Activity Days at church. It’s kind of like the church’s version of Girl Scouts. The lady in charge of it asked me on Sunday if Autumn would be there this Wednesday, and I told her no b/c I work until 5:00 pm and it takes me 30 minutes to get Autumn, and the Activity Day girls meet at 4:30. But, I asked my boss on Monday if it would be ok for me to get off early on the Wednesdays that Autumn has Activity Days & he said it wouldn’t be a problem at all! That is a BIG blessing & a HUGE tender mercy! I decided that while Autumn is in Activity Days that I will take that time to sit at the church & study the Gospel. It’s not enough time between dropping her off & picking her up to go home & come back. I’m actually really excited about it. But, today the girls were learning about the scriptures so I let Autumn borrow my scriptures. So, I used the time to clean out & organize the Young Women’s closet. It gets so messy & disorganized when we just put things in there on Sundays. I got a lot accomplished & I’m kicking myself for not taking an “after” picture.
Autumn & I came home, scarfed down some dinner, and then went back to the church at 7:00 for Young Women’s. I let her come w/ me tonight b/c we were doing a fun craft. This was the “mod podge” station, and as you can see it was pretty busy.
We also ran through our program for New Beginnings since it’s next week & no one really knows what they’re doing. We have so many Beehives (ages 12-13) that we are having them present the 8 Young Women values.
This was the craft we made … I had to lay them out on my table when I got home so the mod podge could dry. I printed off some “subway” art of the theme for this year on cardstock. They cut that out, covered the heavy poster board w/ nautical themed papers, mod podged the whole thing, and then after it dried we punched holes at the top & they strung ribbon through the holes so it can hang in their rooms. I like that it’s something small & lightweight that won’t take up a lot of space in their bedrooms. Plus, they can hang it on their wall or mirrors where they can see it & think about the 2015 youth theme every time they see it.
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