Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Black Light Volleyball

IMG_6166 Autumn & I got up early so we could go to the local doughnut shop and get half a dozen doughnuts to drop off to one of my Laurel’s who has a birthday today. We haven’t seen her in a long time, and she happened to be walking out her front door to go to school as I walked up to put the doughnuts on her door step. I just handed them to her and let her know that we miss her and love her and wanted to wish her a happy birthday. The sky & clouds were SO PRETTY this morning. After I dropped Autumn off at school, I went back to the Laurel’s house to decorate her door while she was gone. Hopefully it made her feel good to know that we are aware of her.

blacklight volleyball 1Tonight for Young Women’s, we were combined with the Young Men & the Beehives (12-13 year old girls) were in charge. They wanted to play black light volleyball, so they told everyone to wear white or florescent clothes. We went into the gym & they had gone to a LOT of work! The Beehive leader & her husband had been there since 10:00 am setting up! I loved their idea of putting glow in the dark bracelets on the volleyball net so we could see where it was in the black lights.

IMG_6179 They split all the youth into 4 teams. 2 teams played volleyball while the other 2 teams did relay races. The relay races included walking w/ a golf ball on a spoon, walking w/ a balloon between your legs, and then a 3 legged race. Then we switched and the volleyball teams did the relay races and vice versa.

blacklight volleyball 3 It was SO.MUCH.WORK, but I think it might be the activity of the year and ALL the youth LOVED it and raved about how much fun it was. I’m thankful for great counselors and other youth leaders who devote so much time and energy to making activities like this happen.

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