Monday, February 23, 2015

Ice, Ice Baby

IMG_6301 I’m really glad we decided to spend the night at Mom & Dad’s house last night, b/c this is what the weather map looked like this morning. It’s pretty colors, but it means that we had a “winter mix” of freezing rain & sleet. I was able to work from home since Mom & Dad have the internet. I went back to sleep, and woke up at 8:30.

IMG_6303 I know that a lot of people laugh at us Texans and think that we’re lame b/c everything shuts down over a little bad weather. But, as Autumn found out … this is NOT snow. It’s a small skiff of snow on top of a thick layer of ice! It’s almost impossible to drive on, and the news this morning was full of people who tried and were in accidents.

IMG_6308 We spent the day doing this huge M&M puzzle, and it was double sided which made it more difficult. We watched Knight’s Tale, had some yummy soup for lunch, and tried to stay warm since the high today was below freezing!

IMG_6315Autumn has never seen the Star Wars movies, so we started with Episode 1 and got through Episode 3 before bed time. We also got notice that school is cancelled tomorrow since the roads are still icy. So, we’ll get through episodes 4-6. May the force be with us! LOL.

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