Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Family Fun

IMG_4195 Lexie & her family came up this weekend to spend time together & celebrate Easter (a week early). This is our first holiday we’re celebrating w/out Mom & Dad, and we FOR SURE missed them. We didn’t plan ahead, so there was nothing for dinner. Lexie & Jon stopped and got some pizza, and I went to the grocery store and got some salad, fruit, and of course chocolate milk for Andrew.

IMG_6803 After dinner the kids wanted to go outside to play & climb trees. This would have been more fun if Papa were here!

IMG_6819We had an impromptu dance party in the front yard. I wanted to get a picture of the grandkids all together, but Autumn was in the backyard helping Uncle Nate mow the lawn. I took about 18 pictures, and this was the best one of the lot. Andrew was trying to hold Olivia, but had his arm blocking Adam’s face, Jackson wouldn’t look at the camera, etc. Oh well. They’ll look back on this when they’re in their 20’s and laugh at it.

IMG_6822 After the picture Olivia sat down on the grass, but she didn’t like the feel of it and started crying. Adam went over to see why she was crying & console her. It was so stinkin’ cute. I can’t wait until they’re old enough for us to take pictures of them together on the back steps like we did w/ Autumn & Andrew when they were little.

We watched a movie together, and by the time it was over it was already 9:00. I went upstairs to lay down w/ Autumn, but I ended up falling asleep for the whole night. I was more tired than I thought.

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