This morning before church I wanted to go see if our usual spot to take bluebonnet pictures was in bloom. We were so happy to see that the hills were definitely covered in the beautiful bluebonnets. It was perfect too, b/c it was cloudy and overcast which makes for the best natural light to take pictures. I had Autumn bring her white dress she wore at her baptism and we snapped a few pictures before we had to go to church.
I had to stay after church for BYC (Bishop’s Youth Council). After I dropped the girls off at home, I called Nate & Riannon and told them to come meet us so we could get some pictures of Olivia in the bluebonnets. While we waited for them to get there, I took some more pictures of Autumn. I was bummed that the cloud cover was gone and we had harsh/direct sunlight, but it can still make for some pretty pictures.
Olivia was clapping for joy b/c now she can call herself a TRUE Texan since this is her first time seeing bluebonnets.
And just to keep things real, everything wasn’t all perfect. I took over 200 pictures just to get a few good ones. Olivia was NOT happy that the sun was so bright and right in her eyes. Plus, it was really warm. She just wanted to run away, go play, and try to eat the bluebonnets.
Nate insisted on taking a few of me & Autumn. Even though I was hot and sweaty and my hair’s a hot mess b/c of the wind, I am so glad I have this picture w/ my Autumn girl.
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