Today was ROUGH! It all started after Nick dropped Savi off at work at 11:00. He tried going back home, but got lost for about an hour and a half, and ended up at a mall far away from our house. He finally called me to let me know and find out how to get home. I told him by the time he drove home, he’d have to turn around to come back and get her. So, I told him to stay put at the mall and go to the food court and get something to eat and hang out in the bookstore in the mall until it was time to pick her up at 3:00.
Things at work have really gotten busy and I’ve been swamped. I noticed that it was 4:30, so I called Nick just to make sure everything was OK. He STILL hadn’t gotten Savi, and had been driving around for the past hour and a half b/c he couldn’t find her job! I had him tell me what streets he was near so I was able to figure out where he was. To keep a LONG story short, he had to just park in a parking lot b/c he had emotionally shut down. Savi had to walk to find him, and she finally found him at 5:15. Poor Savi! Poor Nick! Poor me, b/c I was stuck at work and couldn’t help him and I was upset b/c he was upset. As soon as I got off at 5:00 I hurried to where he was at to try and help him find her, but she got to his car when I was just 3 minutes away. I’m glad it all worked out, but it was incredibly stressful and horrible for about an hour.
I hope this was a bit of an eye opener to Savi about what type of limitations Nick has. It’s been frustrating when people outside of our family w/ good intentions just say we don’t push him hard enough. This is what happens when he gets pushed too far … he shuts down and he even ran into a few curbs b/c he was so upset. I’m so thankful it was just a curb and not another car or a person or something worse. I told Savi that she needs to give me the address of where she’s working so I could print off a map for Nick & show him how to get there, where the major streets are, etc. He does GREAT if he has a map and knows where to turn. But w/out those things it’s not good.
I was REALLY needing some Liz/Lisa time and it’s a complete tender mercy that back on Monday we had made plans to go to dinner & a movie tonight. I was out near Sam Moon’s after trying to help Nick so I went and did some retail therapy and then met Liz at Chili’s for dinner. As soon as I sat down & she asked how I was doing I started crying. The stress of life has really been getting to me and it was such a relief to vent to her and unload some of that burden. I’m so thankful for her and that she’s a kindred spirit and I can be my true self with her. I finally got a hold of myself and we had a good chat over some good food. Then we went & saw the new movie “Freetown” about the 6 Liberian Mormon missionaries that had to leave Liberia & got to Sierra Leone b/c their lives were in danger due the civil war going on back in 1990. It was good, but I wish they had subtitles b/c I spent over half the movie straining to understand what they were saying and that detracted from being able to fully enjoy the movie.
And just to add “injury to insult” (I know that’s usually worded the other way around), but the underwire in my bra broke and has been poking me in the side ALL day!!! So, it was a really crummy day but it ended well.
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