Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tender Mercies On A Bad Day

IMG_6860 I had a ROUGH day at work today. I have been feeling very overwhelmed lately w/ all the responsibilities & stress I have piled up on my plate. My work load has picked up significantly, I feel like a failure as a Mother, I feel like a slacker Young Women’s president, and I’m tired of being alone and single. The straw that broke the camel’s back was today at work when a lady yelled at me on the phone. After I hung up, I offered to go and pick up the mail from our post office box, b/c I was on the verge of tears. I had a good & cleansing cry all the way to and from getting the mail. I kept thinking how comforting just one small piece of chocolate would be, but I didn’t have time to stop & get anything since I was leaving work early today.

I left early to go pick up Autumn & take her to Activity Days. We also pick up one of the other girls since her house is on the way. When I went to the door to get her, Shannon handed me this adorable little Easter basket w/ 4 chocolates inside and this sweet note. It was an answer to a prayer, and I had a hard time holding back the tears as I thanked her for the gift. She had no idea how much her small & thoughtful gesture meant to me. Definitely a huge tender mercy & a reminder that my Heavenly Father knows me and is aware of me and that He loves me.

IMG_6862 For Activity Days they talked about Easter & the Atonement, and then did an Easter egg hunt. I’m so thankful for the miracle of me being able to get off early 2 Wednesdays a month so I can bring Autumn to Activity Days. It’s something I’m cognizant & appreciate of.

IMG_6866 We dropped off Jessica & came home to eat scarf down some dinner before leaving for Young Women’s. I asked Autumn to help empty the dishwasher and she gave me a sassy & nasty attitude about it so I got really angry & sent her to her room so I didn’t yell at her and say things I’d later regret. I was so upset at myself and still in a rotten place emotionally from earlier in the day. As we were driving to Young Women’s there was this big & beautiful rainbow that filled the whole sky.

It was another reminder that Heavenly Father is aware of me & my struggles & trials. It made me think of Genesis 9:15 & what the rainbow represents, “And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you …”

IMG_6874For our YW Activity tonight we put a NICE spin on some April Fool’s jokes. I just made these up on the computer & printed them out. Then one of the Laurels wrote in the bottom part. She’s so stikin’ talented & did a great job. We left a package of toilet paper (at the $1 Store you get 4 rolls of toilet paper to a package), or a carton of 12 raw eggs. The note for the eggs was “we egged your house.” We went around to 5 families in our ward & left either a package of toilet paper or a carton of eggs on their doorstep. We also included some Easter candy. I drove the get away car while the girls did the doorbell ditching & running.

Since we had some time left, and we only had 2 Laurels show up and they did such a good job we stopped to get small half priced Sonic shakes. It was a good ending to a bad day.

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