Saturday, April 18, 2015

We FINALLY Have Internet At Home!!!

IMG_7039 We got up this morning and I dusted the house b/c we are FINALLY getting internet at home. We also switched our TV providers. The installer guy got here at 9:00 & left at 11:30. Nate came by to bring Autumn’s bike so she can ride it around the neighborhood. He also brought over a lawn edger to edge our lawn b/c our blade wasn’t working. He & Nick went and got a new one and it worked like a charm! I’m so incredibly thankful to him for doing that for us. The weather was so nice (cloudy and cool w/ a breeze) that I even weeded the flower beds and did some edging.

IMG_7046 After we were done Autumn wanted to see if Uncle Nate could climb one of the trees in our yard. He did it like it was no big deal … he’s a little monkey.

IMG_7049 She wanted to climb the tree too so Nate pulled her up while I pushed from behind. She only got this far & was FREAKING OUT! You would have thought she was holding onto the top of the Eiffel Tower from the way she was screaming.

IMG_7051 Then it was Nick’s turn. He wasn’t quite as graceful as Nate, but he made it up there! Autumn & I were both impressed w/ their tree climbing skills.

IMG_7058 I got cleaned up & then took Autumn over to Nate & Riannon’s at 3:00 so I could attend the temple sealing of one of the ladies I visit teach. I am so happy for her. It was all in Spanish, so I only understood a few words here and there, but the Spirit in the room was SO STRONG!

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get some Runts for my lesson in YW tomorrow. Then I went to Nate & Riannon’s house. We watched Olivia so they could go out on a double date w/ a guy from Nate’s mission. After Autumn & I got Olivia to bed we watched TV & then finally went to bed at 10:00 b/c we were both so tired.

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