For some reason on the way home tonight Autumn had a MAJOR MELTDOWN to the point that I had to pull off the road onto a side street until she calmed down. I was tempted to drop her off a Liz’s and make her get a ride home b/c she was so out of control!!! I calmed her down and we came home and had dinner.
Liz called to see if I wanted to go to a Relief Society Provident Living activity w/ her. I told her Nick was at work so I didn’t have a babysitter, but she said she had already talked to her Mom (who was watching Jacob) and she said Autumn was welcome to come over. Getting out of the house and spending time w/ some wonderful ladies from church was just what I needed. We met at Hillary’s house and Sis. B showed us how to make cowboy biscuits.
Then we prepped for the homemade jam by smashing strawberries, raspberries, and peeling blanched peaches.
This is the recipe we used. I was helping to put some lids on the jars once they were filled w/ the hot jam. I went to grab a jar, and the clunky hot pad on my hand knocked it over and hot jam splattered all over the floor, on the cabinets, and on the leg and foot of a non-member lady that was there w/ a friend!!! I felt SO HORRILBE and apologized over and over. She kept saying she was fine and that it just felt like warm wax. We immediately put some ice packs on her feet and they were just a little bit red at the end of the night. WHEW! I’m glad I didn’t accidentally scald her for life.
I’m thankful for my friendship w/ Liz. We can truly be ourselves w/ each other and can share all of the good and bad that’s going on in our lives. She’s a true kindred spirit!!!
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