Sunday, July 5, 2015

Barbie Hair Dressing Shop

IMG_8088I had ward council before church today, so we had a leisurely morning and then I took Autumn over to Liz & Liberty’s so they could watch her while I was at ward council. I got to do the spiritual thought and shared the 3 ways that Satan tries to “get” us from 2 Nephi 28:20-22.

  1. He stirs us up to anger against that which is good.
  2. He pacifies and lulls us away and carefully cheats our souls.
  3. He flatters us and whispers in our ears until he grasps us.

I always like to have a treat or hand out, so for this I shared some pull apart twizzler things in a zip lock bag since it’s fast Sunday. Autumn said to me that she wanted to go up and bear her testimony, but that she wanted me to go with her. So, we both went up and she wanted me to go first. Hers was super simple but very sweet. I was so proud of her. This is the 2nd time she’s shared her testimony in sacrament meeting.

During the 3rd hour we talked about the letter from the First Presidency & Quorum of the Twelve about the legalization of same sex marriage. It was a very open, honest, and respectful discussion and the Spirit was definitely there even though not everyone agreed. Just one more reason that I love the ward we’re in.

After church we came home and had dinner, relaxed, and got ready for the coming week. Autumn likes to set up a hair salon where she fixes her Barbie’s hair by getting it wet w/ water (hence the bowl), and then brush their hair until it’s smooth and straight. Maybe she’ll be a hair dresser when she grows up.

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