Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July 2015

IMG_8069 It was so nice to have a laid back morning and just wake up w/out an alarm. I spent some time editing pics and blogging while Autumn watched the Disney channel. I love technology b/c we were able to FaceTime Mom and Dad to wish them a Happy 4th of July while they are on the other side of the world!!! Amazing!!!

IMG_8072 We went over to Nate & Riannon’s at 12:00 to get stuff ready for our fun 4th of July swim party. Liz & her family came over and we grilled, ate until our tummies were full, and talked and laughed.

IMG_8075 The weather was perfect and the pool temp was perfect. I can’t even say how happy it makes me that Liz’s Grandma borrowed a swimsuit and got in the pool and swam. It brings me such joy when people feel relaxed and comfortable here! Autumn cracks me up w/ her back bend on the Shamu shelf.

P1120937 After lots of sun and fun we all went home to have some quiet time and rest. Autumn & I took an hour nap, and it was so nice! Then at 8:30 we went over to Liz & Liberty’s to do fireworks. Liz saw this great idea on Pinterest where you cut a hole in the top of a plastic cup and then stick the handle part of the sparklers in the cup so it protects the kids’ hands.

P1120945 I just LOVE sparklers! Autumn wanted nothing to do with them b/c back in 2009 a little piece fell on her foot and she’s been scared of them ever since. She watched the whole thing from the safety of the netted trampoline.

P1120952The big grand finale was “the tank.” It was a lot of fun. When we left we went to Sonic to get half price shakes and then we drove to the top of a local parking garage to watch the fireworks. I just wasn’t up to messing w/ the crowds this year. We sat in the car w/ the A/C running while listening to patriotic music and watching the fireworks. It was a perfect new little tradition for Autumn & I.

Happy 239th Birthday, America!!! It’s always great to take time and appreciate the sacrifices that have been by so many. I’m very grateful for the liberties which I and my family get to enjoy.

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