Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Spider, Swim, Surprise

P1120891 Autumn had Activity Days today, and they talked about the 4th of July and then they had some water balloon activities. Usually I stay at the church and just wait for her to get done but today I went to Bath & Body Works to take advantage of their big semi-annual sale. I got some soaps and wall flower refills. After I picked her up we came home, had dinner, and then went over to Nate & Riannon’s to get stuff ready for the young women to come swim. They have this cool zipper spider near the trash can on the back patio. I didn’t notice this when I took the picture, but there’s a 2nd spider in the web w/ the zipper spider! It’s a lighter color and is right above it. I am NOT a fan of spiders at all, but we love watching zipper spiders (as long as they’re outside).

P1120908 We decided as a YW Presidency that we’re just going to do all combined activities for the summer b/c there is no reason for all 3 classes to come up w/ activities when the girls come and go during the summer b/c of vacations, EFY, etc. We had a great time swimming in the pool and relaxing and having fun together. The girls loved trying to ride the barrel. It’s not as easy as it looks.

P1120912 These cute Beehives crack me up and I’m glad that they’re not shy about swimming and having fun. I was able to talk one of the leaders into borrowing a swimsuit so she would get in and swim with us. It makes me happy to know that people don’t have to feel self conscience about their bodies when they come to our house to swim! We had drumstick ice cream cones for our treat and everyone left at 8:30.

IMG_8039 We came home to a fun surprise … our door had been heart attacked! At first I thought it was Sis. Lee, but she texted back w/ a picture showing that someone had done the same thing to her door! I wish I knew who it was so I could thank them for making us feel so special and loved!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww! Those spiders are quite big and scary. Those kinds of pests should totally be eliminated, to stop them from scaring and troubling us. Anyway, it seems that you enjoyed swimming so much. I hope you guys get to enjoy more fun days like that. Thanks for sharing that! All the best! :)

Debra Owen @ Invader