Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Play Date & Being Sick

IMG_8736 I started feeling sick yesterday after work (sore throat, runny nose, etc). But, I made myself get up and go to the temple this morning since I won’t be able to go for a few months since all of Autumn’s cheer games are on Saturdays. It was nice to be in the temple and enjoy the peace and Spirit that is there.

IMG_8744 I came home and took Autumn over to her friend’s house for a play date at 11:00. I had a few hours to myself and usually I would have gone shopping or done something productive, but instead I came home and slept for 2 hours! I must be really  sick. I checked to see how Autumn was doing and she wanted to stay and play for a few more hours b/c she was having so much fun. Her friend’s Mom said that was great since they had no plans for the rest of the day and the girls were playing so nicely. So, I went back to sleep for another 2 hours!!!

I went and picked her up and we went to a kid’s consignment store to get some school clothes for Autumn. She tried on at least 8 pairs of pants but didn’t like any of them for some reason or another. She is SO PICKY and if something isn’t perfect according to her standards then she won’t even give it a chance. UGH!

By this time we were both hungry so we went and got our favorite penne dolcelatta for dinner. We both drank a Powerade too, b/c neither of us are feeling well. I’ve got the general crud and she has bad and hacking cough!

IMG_8751We came home and just laid on the couch and watched movies the rest of the night. Autumn fell at school yesterday and skinned her knee. She also has a big old bruise on her right leg. I put some hydrogen peroxide on her knee to clean it out since they didn’t clean it at school and you would have thought I poured boiling acid on it w/ the way she freaked out. We’re going to have to doctor it and be careful for the next few days. We both went to bed at 8:30 b/c we were so tired!

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