Sunday, September 13, 2015

Happy 60th Birthday, Papa!!!

IMG_8867 I stayed up late/early to watch the final 5 minutes of the BYU game, and am I ever glad I did! Another amazing Hail Mary TD and then on the next play an interception and TD to win the game for BYU!!!! Go Cougs!!!

IMG_8865I posted this picture on Facebook today w/ this caption, “I can't believe that my FABULOUS & FAITHFUL Father is SIXTY years old today! I am blessed beyond belief to have him for a Dad & for Autumn to have him as her Papa. This was back when he had lots o' muscles and lots o' hair. When this picture was taken I bet he NEVER could have imagined in his wildest dreams that he would be celebrating his 60th birthday in South Africa while serving a couple's mission w/ the love of his life. WE LOVE YOU!!! ♪ ♫ Happy birthday to you ... ♪ ♫

IMG_8868 It is also Grandparent’s Day today, so I figured that we had better call our only living grandparent. It was so good to talk to Grandpa Johnson. He’s 87 but is still very mentally on point and was asking Nick all sorts of questions and making us laugh. I’m thankful for incredible grandparents who raised such great kids, who in turn raised me, and are wonderful grandparents to my Autumn girl.

After church I stayed for BYC (Bishop’s Youth Council) while Autumn went home w/ Liz & Liberty. It’s good to see the youth in leadership positions, and let them shoulder some of the responsibility for the youth program. At 7:00 the sister missionaries came over to say hi. We got 2 new sister missionaries, and one of them is from New Zealand and has the coolest accent. They challenged Autumn to read in the Book of Mormon for 5 minutes every day. Autumn said, “no way! I don’t like reading scriptures.” They asked her what her favorite food is, and she said the croissants from Cheddars. We banded together and told Autumn if she’d take their challenge then we would all go out to get croissants from Cheddars as a reward. I hope she does it!!!

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