Friday, September 18, 2015

Time Out For Women With Lexie

IMG_8920 I have been looking forward to this weekend since May! Lexie drove up from Austin and came to my work. We left a little before 5:00 to go to Time Out For Women (TOFW). It’s our tradition to get a big bag of peanut butter M&M’s to eat and share with others sitting around us.

IMG_8921 We love getting to spend time together and being spiritually uplifted. There were quite a few ladies from my ward there, and they were kind enough to let us sit by them. I also saw several ladies that I’m friends w/ on Facebook. It’s like a fun reunion!

IMG_8925 Riannon was an angel again and picked Autumn up, took her to cheer practice, picked her up from cheer practice, and let her spend the night. Even though this picture is super grainy and the lighting is horrible, it makes me smile. When Lexie & I got home at 10:30 we stayed up talking and laughing and watching Dressing Your Truth videos. We finally called it a night at 1:30 am, b/c we have to get up early and we have a big day ahead of us!

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