Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fabulous Flowers

It wasn’t my Sunday to teach this week, but my adviser had sick kids she had to stay home with so I put a lesson together this morning. In Laurels we talked about becoming more Christ-like and developing Christ-like attributes. We took this self assessment test (it’s at the bottom of that website page) and talked about areas we thing we’re doing well in, and areas where we can improve. I felt like the lesson went well (especially for being thrown together last minute), the Spirit was strong, and the girls participated.

We also watched this 2:54 minute video about Christ. PLEASE watch it! It is so POWERFUL and so MOVING!!! Tears just stream down my cheeks every time I watch it!

IMG_9651 These bright & happy sunflowers are from Shannon. She’s amazing, and someone who I consider to be VERY Christ-like.

IMG_9661 These beautiful roses are from Reesa. After church I had a Young Women Presidency meeting at my house. It was nice to meet w/ my counselors again, especially since we didn’t have a meeting in September. They’re such great women and I appreciate their different gifts and personalities and what they contribute.

After I got Autumn to bed tonight I watched Downton Abbey. It was a SHOCKING one, and I even let out a yell at the end. Nobody dies, but it was unexpected and INTENSE! I am going to miss that show so much.

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