My birthday morning started off with getting to sit in the rain and watch Autumn cheer. All of the games for today were moved to stadiums where there was turf. There’s no way the football players could have played on the grass fields b/c they’re all super muddy. It was raining pretty good when we got to the stadium, but it eventually turned into just a sprinkle & then it stopped raining completely by half time. It’s funny to see all of megaphones w/ plastic rain ponchos on them. The girls wore those during the game, and then Coach Gayle had them take the ponchos off for their halftime routine.
Nate & Olivia surprised us by showing up to support Autumn and to wish me a Happy Birthday. Olivia was so cute and I held her on my lap and moved her arms around to do the cheers w/ the cheerleaders. The girls loved it. That was so nice of them to come, especially since it was so rainy & gloomy.
Autumn & I came home, dried off, warmed up, and then stopped at 7-Eleven to get some hot chocolate. We took some over to Shannon b/c she was in charge of the blood drive and they have to keep it cold in there. After visit with her we ended up coming home and taking a 2 hour nap! We were going to go see the new Jem movie but we were both so tired and our bodies needed to rest apparently.
Autumn has been looking forward to tonight for weeks! It was Bobbie’s annual Halloween party, and we’ve been coming to it for several years. Autumn was THRILLED to get to wear make up for her costume. She also loves bobbing for apples and doing kid’s crafts at the craft table.
Bobbie is so awesome and really does a GREAT job every year. From the food to the decorations it’s always over the top and so much fun. We really appreciate it.
Autumn’s favorite part of the whole night is when Bobbie makes her special witch’s brew in the smoking cauldron. It’s just lime sherbet, ginger ale, and dragon eye balls (grapes w/ raisins in the middle … you can see them in the orange bowl on the table to Autumn’s left). Autumn & I finally left the party at 9:30.
I felt so loved when I checked emails tonight and saw this on Facebook. I also got several text messages from family and friends. It means a lot to me that so many people took a moment out of their day to think of me and to send me a message. I had a really low key birthday this year, and didn’t even tell the Young Women or people at work that it was going to be my birthday. Some years I like to tell everyone and have people fuss over me. Other years I like to have a low key and laid back birthday. This was one of those years. I can’t wait to see what great things 36 has in store for me.
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