Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

P1130278 We had another jam packed Saturday, especially since it’s Halloween. They moved the games to a turf field b/c the grass fields are too muddy. One of the girls couldn’t find her pink pom poms and started crying as soon as she got on the field. The other girls rallied around her and gave her hugs and told her it was OK. I was SO PROUD of my Autumn girl, b/c she went straight over to her own megaphone, picked up her pink pom poms and offered to give them to the girl that didn’t have hers! Autumn has such a sweet & loving heart.

P1130284 One of the other cheerleaders wasn’t able to be there this morning b/c her grandma had to be taken to the hospital. Coach Gayle had all the girls send their teammate a video message letting her know they miss her and love her. So thoughtful!

P1130289 There were only bleaches on one side of the field, so our cheerleaders were right next to the other team’s cheerleaders. We were waaaaaaaaaaaaaay louder than them! The girls looked wonderful out on the field w/ their pink pom poms against the green field.

P1130304 We won, and after the game the cheerleaders and football players exchanged some Halloween treats. So cute!

IMG_9757 We came home and got busy putting away clothes & shoes that are too small for Autumn. She had gone through her closet and drawers a few weeks ago and just put them in a pile on my bedroom floor. I was tired of looking at them, so today was the day we got them into bins to save and give to Olivia when she’s older. It’s amazing how good it felt to have that all done.

IMG_5909 We got ready for our two Halloween parties and then went and picked up the sister missionaries at 2:30 b/c they needed a ride to the church. Our ward Halloween Fall Festival started at 3:00 and was well attended.

IMG_5886 Polynesian Princess & Cleopatra

IMG_5908 The Young Women were in charge of a face painting booth. There was also a prize fish pond, bean bag toss, and cake walk. For food they had nachos, popcorn, clear homemade root beer, and cupcakes.

IMG_5912 At 4:30 they had everyone go outside to start the trunk-or-treat. Autumn got A LOT of candy and had fun going around w/ her friend Abbey. It was bittersweet to have her fun off without wanting me to go w/ her. I’m glad she’s more independent and had Abbey to go around with. But it made me a little sad that she’s growing up so fast.

IMG_5919 We had a little time to kill before our next party, so we got some nice pictures of Autumn in her costume. What a cute Cleopatra.

IMG_5927 I know I’m biased b/c she’s mine, but I think she looks absolutely amazing. She’s such a pretty young lady, both inside and out.

IMG_5950 We went over to a Halloween party at the D’s house. I’m so thankful that they invite us every year. It’s one of our favorite Halloween traditions. We had chili w/ all the fixin’s, chips, a veggie tray, mummy dogs, and drinks. After we ate the kids showed us their dance they learned in PE. One dance was to the Ghostbusters theme.

IMG_5953 The next one was the Whip & Nae Nae. Look at Autumn’s hair! LOL.

IMG_5956 It started to get dark so we gathered all the kids to get a group picture. Autumn was being a stinker & wouldn’t turn to look at us for the picture.

IMG_5961 This year Autumn led the pack and was always running ahead. We had to keep telling her to wait for us and that she had to stay within eye sight. We were most excited to trick or treat at the Decker’s house.

IMG_5964 Another one of our favorite Halloween traditions is this creepy remote controlled thing that roams the streets. Each year the owners add something new. It’s so funny to see the kids walk up to it and pretend like they’re not scared, but then it starts moving and they all scream and start to scatter.

IMG_5972 This house wins the award for best decorated. The Dad of the house was even dressed up as Beetlejuice and was sitting out on the porch roof and saying lines from the movie. You could go inside and they had it set up like the office where all the dead people hang out. They had pictures from the movie printed off and put on the walls. It was super cool!

IMG_5976 At one point the kids sat down on the sidewalk to see what cool candy they got and to wait for the little kids and parents to catch up. We went to this one cul-de-sac where they had a super scary house. There were guys dressed up in nightmarish clown costumes. There was also a guy w a chainsaw that would chase the kids. I stayed waaaaay back b/c I’m a big scaredy cat. I looked around for Autumn & couldn’t believe it when I saw her at the front door getting candy! I was SHOCKED that she walked through those crazy guys in costumes. I asked her when she came back to me if she was scared and she said yes. I know she’s going to have nightmares and still don’t know why she did that! Silly girl.

IMG_5982Since the kids are older this year we walked a lot more of the neighborhood than in years past. Towards the end of the night Autumn started crying b/c her sandals were hurting her. I told her I would give her a piggy back ride, but then Bro. D stepped in and said he would carry her home on his shoulders! I warned him that she’s heavy but he said they went to Disney and he had one of their kids on his shoulders the whole time so it wouldn’t be a problem. Autumn was so surprised and so grateful.

IMG_5988 We came home at 8:30 and Nick was dressed like this b/c we handing out candy at our house.

IMG_5993 Autumn had to do her usual ritual of dumping out all her candy, seeing what she got, and then I have her lay down in the middle of it so we can get a picture. Then she separates all the candy out into piles by type. It’s sad to think that she can only do this for a few more years before she’s too old. It was a busy but memory filled Halloween!

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