Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pizza, Nails, & The Piano Guys Broadcast

IMG_9462 We had a jam packed evening tonight, so we stopped and grabbed a Little Caesar’s pizza for dinner. We ate in the car, b/c we were just a few minutes early for my nail appointment.

IMG_9475 I usually try and get my nails done on Saturdays, but one of my nails had cracked all the way across the middle. It didn’t hurt, but I had to be careful w/ it. Plus my nails were so grown out so I had them done tonight instead of waiting until Saturday. My nail guy is the BEST, and we just love him and his family. I’m glad Autumn took this picture w/ my phone w/out either of us knowing. Getting my nails done once a month has been a part of my life for over a decade!

P1130168 The sunset tonight was super fiery looking. Aren’t those clouds just beautiful!?!?!

P1130185 Usually we have Young Women’s on Wednesday nights, but we changed it to Tuesday this week. For our activity we were combined w/ the Young Men and we watched “The Piano Guys” on the Face To Face broadcast. They are so ridiculously talented! It was great to hear them talk about their faith and how they’ve been able to stay true to their beliefs in the music industry. It was a wonderful evening w/ these wonderful youth.

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