Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mockingjay: Part 2 Movie

IMG_0012 As soon as Nick got home from work I went and picked up Mary and we headed over to the local theater to see the new Hunger Games movie. Mary & Christine happen to know the manager of the theater and they ran into him, so he took us on a tour. This is upstairs above the theater where we got to see the movie projector machines. It was really cool!!!

P1130454 It was nice going on Thursday instead of Friday b/c we didn’t have to wait in any lines. I don’t think most people know that there are usually Thursday showings when a new movie comes out. We had this super fun group of 12. Plus, the manager gave us all Mockingjay lanyards w/ a fancy card and a pin w/ Katniss’s 3 finger salute. The movie was really good, and I’m glad I reread the book 2 days ago so I knew what was going on.

P1130456I am so incredibly thankful for these fabulous friends. We really missed having Melanie with us this time! What a fun & memorable evening. So worth not going to bed until 1:30 am!!!

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