Saturday, November 28, 2015

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

IMG_0180 I was going to get up and go to the temple this morning, but after this fun and busy week it just didn’t happen. My body chose sleep instead.  I finally woke up at 9:30, got cleaned up, and went and got my nails done. Then when I got home I helped Nick get our Christmas stuff out of the attic and we decorated for Christmas. I’m kind of a grinch, b/c I don’t go over the top w/ decorations. I like to keep it SIMPLE! Less to put out, less to put away, and less to have to store until next year.

IMG_0187I just handed the ornaments to Autumn & let her decorate the tree however she wanted. We didn’t even bother to fluff out the branches. I think it looks great and she did a wonderful job. We had fun setting up the train track as well.

We spent the rest of the day organizing her room, eating, relaxing, and watching Christmas movies. I kept feeling like we should be out doing something or buying something, but I reminded myself that it’s OK to just have a “do nothing” day every once in a while.

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