Saturday, November 21, 2015

WHEW Saturday!

IMG_0037What a day! The temple has been closed for 5 weeks for cleaning & maintenance. I have missed coming here so much! I was surprised when I pulled into the parking lot and saw that the grounds around the temple are still being worked on. But the most important part is what happens on the inside ... just like in each of our lives. It's what's on the inside that matters!

IMG_0043 After the temple I took Autumn over to a friend from church’s birthday party. I came home and edited pics and blogged for an hour and a half. Then I went and picked her up and we grabbed some lunch before heading to our next activity.

IMG_6201 We met up w/ Donna & Abbey at the Candy Canes For Kids event. Each activity there cost 1 ticket, and each ticket was $1. First up was the petting zoo. They had goats, bunnies, guinea pigs, and this llama behind the girls.

IMG_6212 I’m glad we were the first ones in line to meet Elsa & Anna (free event) b/c the line was super long by the time the princesses came out.

IMG_6233 Then the girls got their faces painted for just 1 ticket! I was so impressed by how great the face painting looked! WOW. The girls also decided to spend one of their tickets on balloons. Autumn got a purple flower on a long stem and Abbey got a pink French poodle. The girls also spent 1 ticket on a little foam Christmas tree ornament craft. There were also a bunch of vendors set up where you could buy everything from wreaths to jewelry to candy. It was cold and windy, but the sun was shining so that helped. We had a great time.

IMG_0050 At the event they were also handing out free tickets to the hockey game tonight. So, Autumn & I came home for a while. My plan was to rest and relax, but she wanted help organizing her room. It was a HOT MESS, so I was glad to help her get it cleaned and organized. We tried going to a huge tree lighting event near us, but it was PACKED and there were NO parking spots so we skipped it and left so we could get to the hockey game in time.

IMG_6240 It was fun to sit w/ Donna & Abbey and their family. Our team was losing by the end of the 2nd period, so we decided to leave. But, it was just fun being there and enjoying the crowd and cheering and atmosphere of it all.

IMG_6256 Right as we were walking down the stairs to leave they started setting off some fireworks, so we stayed to watch them. It was the perfect ending to an incredibly fun filled day!

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