Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve 2015

 Yesterday as I was leaving work I told my boss I'd see him tomorrow. He said he wasn't coming in, so I didn't need to come in either! Woot woot! It ended up being a big blessing that I didn't have to work today so that I could take Nick to the airport. We got there at 12:30 to pick up Savi. He was so anxious and nervous and electric w/ excitement to see her come walking through the doors of the International Arrivals.
Long story short, she ended up just meeting him at the gate for their flight back to El Salvador together. I'm glad everything worked out the way it did and that we were there to help Nick embark on this grand adventure.
 By this time it was 3:30 and Autumn & I were super hungry b/c we hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch. We went to a McDonald's near the airport, but Autumn didn't want to stay long b/c she said she felt uncomfortable there. She has no idea about people from other walks of life that aren't as well off as we are. We came home and she spent a lot of time in her room "organizing." She's been organizing her room for months yet it still looks as messy as ever. I told her that I understand organizing is a process, but then I asked her when we'll get to the clean & put away part of the process. LOL. This is the first time she's held Peek A Boo, but she insisted on wearing gloves b/c she's afraid he would bite her.
 I had planned on counting down the New Year w/ Autumn at nine o' clock, but I let her stay up until 10:00 b/c she was in the middle of watching a TV show. I asked her if she wanted to do sparklers, but ever since a little spark landed on her foot when she was tiny, she won't do sparklers. So, I stood out on the front porch and did them by myself as she watched through the window.
 We got out our "fancy" plastic cups and our sparkly non-alcoholic drinks. The mango one was really good!
We clinked our glasses and took a picture w/ our new selfie stick. We had to test it out before our trip to Africa. Autumn & I wish all our family & friends a FABULOUS 2016!!!
I got to video chat w/ Nick & Savi. He was just GLOWING w/ happiness and excitement. I stole this pic from Savi's Facebook page. I can't wait to hear about all his fun experiences & memories and see pics. I made them promise they'd post pictures.
I rang in the New Year sitting at my kitchen table in my jammies watching Little Women while I blogged. 2015 was a great year overall, and I'm looking forward to see what 2016 has in store.

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